RMIWA Membership Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association (for Membership chair only- 1st reading ___ 2nd reading ___) RMIWA Membership Application First Name(s) Last Name Email: Address: City: ST: Zip Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Check here if you do not want your telephone numbers or e-mail address published to the membership Directory Occupation(s) (Has no influence on acceptance by the RMIWA) Membership type: Choose 1 of the following types: If you cannot attend at least 2 meetings in person during the year, please choose “Associate” Associate: One or two persons 18 of age and older. Not to vote or hold office (choose this if you cannot attend meetings in person) $20.00/annual dues Active Single: One person 18 years of age or older. May vote at Association General Membership meetings and eligible to hold office. Requires attendance at 2 General Membership meetings per calendar year. $25.00/annual dues Active Family: Two persons 18 years of age or older residing in the same household. May vote at Association General Membership meetings and eligible to hold office. Requires attendance at 2 General Membership meetings per calendar year. $35.00/annual dues Youth: Open to one or more persons between ten (10) and eighteen years age who are from the same family. $5.00/annual dues How long have you been associated with IWs and your reason for choice: Have you or will you breed IWs? Yes No Maybe If yes, will you abide by the RMIWA Code of Ethics as it pertains to the breeding and selling of IWs? Rescue Are you interested in (Check all that apply) Adopting a homeless IW? Fostering a IW? Transporting a homeless IW? If checked, a HERO rescue associate will contact you. Competition Conformation Obedience/Rally Lure Coursing/Straight Racing Have competed or are currently competing in Would like to compete Are you a member of the Irish Wolfhound Club America? Yes Please list any other dog clubs or humane organizations you are a member of and offices held if any: I(we), the applicant(s), do hereby agree to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the RMIWA and the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club. I(we) am(are) in good standing with the American Kennel Club and the Irish Wolfhound Club of America. Applicant1 Date: Applicant2 Date: Sponsor 1 Date: Sponsor 2 Date: Membership dues (Associate $20, Single $25, Family $35,Youth $5) Optional donations* HERO (Health, Education, Rescue of RMIWA) RMIWA General Fund Total Enclosed *The RMIWA is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donations may be tax deductible. Make checks payable to RMIWA. Return application and fees to: RMIWA Return application and membership fees to: RMIWA Membership Chair, 3440 Youngfield Street Box 256 Wheat Ridge Co, 80033 Questions or need more information email VP@rmiwa.org (PayPal payments accepted. Please add $2 to the total dues and send to treasurer@rmiwa.org) Print this page Not Allowed