RMIWA Renew Application

Rocky Mountain Irish Wolfhound Association



(If your membership application was read at the September or November General Membership meetings you do not need to pay dues for 2023)

RMIWA Membership Application

First Name(s)
Last Name
2nd Email:


Phone (Home)
(2 Cell)

Dues included $

Associate (Non-Voting) $20.00 Open to one or two persons eighteen years of age and older who may not vote nor count in the determination of a quorum, pay a reduced rate of dues and are not eligible to hold office. Associate members are eligible for all other privileges of the RMIWA including but not limited to annual awards and committee membership<

Active Single (Voting) $25.00 Open to one person eighteen years of age and older who shall have a single vote at all Association meetings and be eligible to hold office Shall attend a minimum of two (2) Association Meetings per Association year.

Active Family (Voting) $30.00 Open to two persons eighteen years of age and older who shall have a single vote per individual in this unit at all Association meetings and be eligible to hold office. Shall attend a minimum of two (2) Association Meetings per Association year.

Youth Non-Voting) $5.00 Open to one or more persons between ten (10) and eighteen (18) years of age who are from the same family./p>

Life (Non-Voting) No dues Open to longtime members who have made significant contributions to the RMIWA, as approved by the RMIWA Board

PayPalpayments accepted. Please add $2 to the total dues and send to Treasurer@rmiwa.org

Optional Donations:

HERO (Health, Education & Rescue) Donation $ RMIWA General Fund Donation $

If you are also including an optional donation to HERO and/or the General Fund please note the amount on your check to the RMIWA.


Welfare: I will accept a homeless IW under certain conditions Please send an application form.

Number of IWs currently owned:

News about you and/or your IWs: